Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian Split Squat

Use a bench or a partner's back while they hold a plank position. Extend one leg out roughly 24 inches, with the other leg placed on the bench or your partner’s back. Squat down until your knee is nearly touching the ground, then return to the starting position. Perform the movement on the ‘down’ command, typically in sets of 15-20 reps per leg. To modify, add weight using a coupon, ruck, or sandbag.



A variation of the Monkey Humper, which is a half-squat performed while grabbing the inside of your ankles. In this variation, the exercise is performed on a coupon, bench, or any elevated surface.

Lunge Worm

Lunge Worm

Lunge Walk with each leg, then do an inch worm with two Merkins at the bottom before inching back up. When returning to standing position from the inch worm, repeat the full movement until the destination is reached.

Earl Fonda

Earl Fonda

You perform the exercise on a 4 count. First count is the upward motion of the jane fonda, second count is the downward motion, but you suspend your leg without touching the ground. The third count is bringing your leg up towards your chest and fourth count is extending the leg. Your leg will not touch the ground until the desired amount of reps are completed.