Up Straddle Hop
Up Straddle Hop
Side Straddle Hops performed using one leg. It’s suggested to do 25-30 reps on each leg in cadence.
I recently tore my calf and have been on injury reserve (IR) for a bit. Not wanting to miss our monthly convergence, I grabbed my kettlebell to use when the PAX were doing exercises I couldn’t participate in and headed out to the beatdown. We circled up, and the first exercise called was SSH. Not wanting to put pressure on my torn calf, I started hopping on one leg in cadence while still doing the upper body motion. Apparently, it looked funny, as the PAX started laughing and then joined in. Forty-three men hopping on one leg and waving their arms would have looked awesome to any passersby! Doing 30 IC of those completely exhausted my right (good) leg, so I figured it might need a name. Let the PAX name it and do 25-30 IC with each leg. It burns! For good measure, the Q next called for 10 OYO burpees. I tried to do them one-legged, and after 2 burpees, I had absolutely no strength left in my good leg. So, doing burpees on one leg could be an interesting add-on to the exercise.