Wood Chopper
Wood Chopper
Grab a sandbag (for the added instability) or a paver. Start in a crouch, twisted to the left, with the sandbag outside your left shin (1). Swing the sandbag up across your body to the right to a standing press position, with the weight outside your right shoulder (2). Swing back down to the left to the starting position (3). Back up (4). Swing vigorously enough to require deceleration at both the top and bottom—really go for it, as if you were chopping wood.
Perform this for a 20-count in cadence. Switch sides to start on the right and repeat. Intermingle with another exercise for recovery, and complete 3 sets for a true crowd-pleaser. Expect some serious soreness from hips to armpits.
Disclaimer: Maintain good form—straight backs! Those with bad backs or unfit FNGs should modify to jumpies with the weight.