Uptown 50
Uptown 50
There are 10 cones with the following exercises written on them: Burpee Broad Jump, Crab Walk, Partner Carry (P1), Partner Carry (P2), Alligator Crawl, Wheelbarrow (P1), Wheelbarrow (P2), Nur (Run Backwards), AYG (Sprint), and Bear Crawl. The cones are placed at the end zone and at the 50-yard line.
PAX partner up and line up on the goal line. Start by doing 10 burpees, then travel to the 50-yard line using the method indicated on the first cone. Once you reach the 50-yard line, do 10 burpees and travel back using the method on the next cone. Repeat this process until you have used all the methods on the cones and completed your 100 burpees.
Continue until audible swearing is heard or until time runs out.