Knockout of Death
Performed on a basketball court with two basketballs. PAX line up behind two shooters from the free throw line or 3-point line (Q's choice). P1 shoots and, if made, hustles to get the rebound to pass to P3. Once P1 shoots, P2 shoots his shot. If P1 misses, the objective is for P2 to make their shot before P1, resulting in a "Knockout." If P1 makes, P2 misses, and P3 makes, then P1 is safe and goes to the end of the line, P2 is "knocked out," and P3 is safe to get back in line. Anyone knocked out must draw a card from the Deck of Death and perform the exercises + indicated number of reps or distance before being allowed back in the game. The winning PAX is the last man standing, ready to shoot, and NOT performing an exercise.