Why Give

Accelerating F3 Nation’s mission
and impact through generosity.

Cardinal’s story reminds us of the power of F3 and why it’s more than just a workout.

F3 exists today because of the generosity of those who came before us.

Love is WHY we Leave No Man Behind and generosity is HOW we Leave No Man Where We Find Him.

F3 Nation follows three pillars  – Transparency, Efficiency, and Impact – to serve as the guide and guardrails as we steward your generosity to fulfill F3’s mission.

I. Transparency
Operations and finances are an open book for everyone to see.

II. Efficiency:
No bureaucracy. We’re just going to get stuff done.

III. Impact:
Expand F3 Nation. Create impact. Tell the story.

Email: give@f3nation.com | Phone: (704) 255-5141
Address: 7845 Colony Road, Suite C4-202, Charlotte, NC 28226

F3 Nation receives donations through its philanthropic arm, F3 Foundation, Inc, a registered 501 (c) (3)​​ – Federal ID # 45-5109140. All gifts are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

Leave no man behind, but leave
no man where you find him.

Official Sock of F3 Nation


© F3 Nation, Inc. All rights reserved