Suzanne Somers

Suzanne Somers

June 30, 20241 min read

Suzanne Somers

Ode to the "Thigh Master" infomercial from everyone's favorite girl on Three's Company: Perform a regular squat but point your toes outward. This is a great exercise for the inner thigh. Ensure good form by keeping your stance wide, weight on your heels, and your back straight.

Additionally, for a related exercise:

All PAX circle up and get on their six. Lay on your right side with your right arm extended above your head. Bend your knees to bring your feet towards your rear with your heels in line with your spine. While maintaining this position, raise your left leg, keeping your knees bent and feet together, while your right leg remains on the ground. Lower your left leg back to the starting position to complete one rep. This can be done in cadence or OYO. After completing enough reps to feel the burn in your hip flexors and glutes, flapjack and repeat on your left side. These look almost as ridiculous as Monkey Humpers and result in a similar burn. Named after the star of the Thigh Master "fitness" craze commercials, this exercise is sure to get some mumblechatter flowing.

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